Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My Girl

I was looking at this girl yesterday and she looked so old. Where did my baby go? My baby girl that I would rock to sleep for her afternoon nap just cause I could. And when I was being really bad would hold her for the entire thing too. Gone are the diapers and the binkys and the baby talk. Gone are the chubby cheeks and little girl curls. I am grateful that we aren't at that stage most of the time but sometimes I long for those days when she drank from a sippy cup and watched Monsters Inc five times a day. She is growing up and that is OK. I am just happy that I can witness it. Here are a few photos of Miss Personality.

She did a comb over on her own and when I went to take the picture she gives me this.
 We got rock band for Christmas and she LoVeS to belt out the tunes. Even the ones she doesn't know which is particularly fun for us.
 I try to put her hair up at night so it isn't ratted in the morning. She got a kick out of this night 'do.
 Captured this one this morning. Still half asleep and not ready to get up for school. I wanted to crawl in bed with her and let her sleep an hour longer.

 Trying to teach herself to braid.

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