Monday, September 22, 2008

Busy busy

We had a great weekend. We went to Rich and Steph's to watch the BSU game on Saturday. It was quite the game especially at the end. It felt a little like the Fiesta Bowl with all the whoopin' and hollerin'. Thankfully our guys pulled it off.

Sunday we slept in and went to late service. It feels so good to be able to wake up whenever, drink a cup of coffee, read the paper and casually get ready for church. We haven't been able to do that for a long time and we were so used to getting up early that we just continued to do it. Not anymore.

This week we are getting ready to head to Vegas for Jus Momentum 2008. We are driving down with the other Smith's. Should be quite the road trip.


Alisha Beverly said...

I love sleeping in. Wish we could do it!

Have fun in Vegas and drive safe!

Anonymous said...

Love the late service ;)

Have fun on your trip!!

Jen said...

You're a traveling fool lately!! Sounds like a lot of fun. Have a great time!

Matt said...

Don't forget to take along coins for the slots.

Rich Smith said...

Isn't Vegas known for the easiest slots? Or was it....