Tuesday, September 23, 2008

His first kill.


Jen said...

Awww, you must be so proud. I think it's nasty though. ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. Way to go Austin. I bet he was thrilled.

Vegas baby! Have fun on your trip. Road trips are the best. :)

Rich Smith said...

I don't know who is happier. Rob or Austin. My money is on rob

Anonymous said...

Should he be wearing gloves?

He looks so proud!! Way to go Austin!

Kelly said...

Oh Andrea! You crack me up.

Way to go Austin! Are you ready for the deer Jen? I have a story about a deer Mike got once upon a time that'll make you laugh and feel bad for me. It's too long for here though.

Ben Jennings said...

Rob: "O.k. Austin, i think now that you can do this you need to start being more productive in the family. On Thursday nights from now on we only eat what you can kill. Good luck son."

Good job Austin!